Large organisation and individual users are all making use of Link Repair, making it a very democratic piece of software! We designed it to fix broken links in Microsoft Office files after they have been moved during a data migration. Data migrations are generally carried out when organisations are replacing or upgrading servers. We have…read more.

Providing help with Link Repair
Link Repair has been designed to be very simple to use, enabling broken links and broken hyperlinks in Office applications to be repaired with ease. However, if you do purchase Link Repair, we don’t just leave you to get on with it – we are always happy to provide the help you need to make…read more.

70 Mad Maths Apps Sold to One School
We always wanted Mad Maths to help children improve their maths skills and it appears schools are agreeing with us, with one school purchasing 70 games to enable the children to develop their maths abilities in a fun environment. When we developed the app, we were aware how many people’s ability with maths could be…read more.

Multiple Links, Multiple Locations – Link Repair Succeeds
Vantage Softech was contacted by a company who wanted to carry out an upgrade of their old server running Microsoft Windows 2003. The upgrade plan meant that an extensive amount of data that was being stored in one location would be moved to multiple new locations scattered across the network. Moving the data would break…read more.
Our New Office
Earlier this year Vantage moved in to purpose designed and built offices. The move gave us the opportunity to design the new offices to give us the ideal working environment for many years to come. Our software development work has increased to embrace applications for Windows client and server environments and mobile devices running Windows,…read more.