New Features for Link Repair

Vantage Softech Link Repair

We have released an updated version of Link Repair which introduces important new features:

1.  Modify relative links

2.  Long file paths

3.  Link validation

4.  Improved performance when scanning directories

5.  Advanced RegEx options

The introduction of these new features ensures Link Repair is still the market leader. If you would like to try the updated version of Link Repair, please download the trial.

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What are the benefits of these updates?

The new features in Link Repair will provide you with even greater assistance when repairing broken links. This is a more detailed explanation of how they will benefit you.

1.  Modify relative links:  Relative links should not need to be repaired as long as the document structure is kept the same in the new location. However, in some cases it may become necessary to modify these links, for example to convert them to http or https. Link Repair can now modify these links. Relative links in Microsoft documents can appear to be misleading. The reason for this is they appear as absolute links when hovered over in a document. When the link is edited you can see it is a relative link because it doesn’t contain the server name and part of the folder structure.

2.  Long file paths:  Link Repair is not limited to the 260 character path limit used by Windows and employed by some link repair competitors; the NTFS maximum of over 32,000 characters is fully supported. Incidentally, at least one competitor silently ignores files within long paths without letting you know they have not been repaired.

3.  Link validation:  Link Repair can make sure the new file exists before updating the link, ensuring new links do not take users to a broken link.

4.  Improved performance when scanning directories:  The updated Link Repair works even quicker, ensuring you have less down-time.

5.  Advanced RegEx options:  Experienced users can make use of the new RegEx option that will enable you to create very powerful search terms.

The many other features in Link Repair can be found on our Detailed Features page.

To find out how easy Link Repair is to use, you can download the trial.

If you require more information, please complete the ‘Quick Contact’ box on this page.

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